7 Christmas traditions to start with your Family

7 Christmas traditions to start with your Family

Simple ways to celebrate the festive season

Christmas is quickly approaching, but there is still time to add some meaningful and memorable activities and acts of kindness to your family’s traditions. This is the time of year where so many are busy buying gifts, new dishes and décor ready to entertain, and ensuring they haven’t forgotten anything off of their grocery list. I would encourage you to take things a little slow during this period, be mindful and be present. This might mean you will have to organise a few things ahead of time or delegate and share responsibilities with the family to make the run up easier to enjoy as you create memories.

1 Advent calendars and activities

Yes there are only a few days left until Christmas, but there is still time to pause and reflect on Peace, Hope, Joy and Love – doing something meaningful as you count down the remaining days. Consider advent devotionals or stories that can be read aloud as a family.

2 Add music to your day

Put on your favourite record or Christmas playlist on as you and your family go about your normal day. Karaoke always brings a good laugh!

3 Christmas lights drive-by

Load everyone into the car for an after dinner drive around the beautifully lite-up neigbourhoods. Make a thing out of it, and take along a flask of hot chocolate and cookies for the ride.

4 Go Caroling

Now not sure if this is popular in your city, but find spaces where people are singing Christmas songs, and get involved. This is a fun way to come together with the community.

5 Craft Christmas Cards/tags/gift wrap

Get the arts and craft box out, spend an evening making gift tags, cards or wrapping paper to add a unique and personal edge to your gifts.

6 Invite someone who is alone

Open your home to someone who would otherwise be alone. Share a plate – (Christ’s) love in a practical way.

7 Have a Christmas Eve thing

Whether that be taking photos in matching pajamas, opening gifts or video calling family who might live abroad. Have something that is special and specific to your household the night before Christmas.

Whatever you choose to do, traditions are yours to define for you and your family!

2 Corinthians 9:15 (NKJV) Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift! Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!


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